Coastal Massachusetts

Vineyard Wind VIA

Vineyard Wind, LLC proposed an 800 megawatt wind energy generating facility in the Atlantic Ocean just over 14 miles off the coasts of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, MA. The Project included construction of up to 106 Wind Turbine Generators within sight of miles of highly popular beaches and scenic coastal areas on these popular tourist destination and summer resort communities.

To address issues of potential aesthetic impact Vineyard Wind retained Saratoga Associates to conduct a Visual Impact Assessment to identify potential visibility of the Project and objectively determine the difference in landscape quality with and without the Project in place. The information and recommendations assisted regulatory agencies, interested stakeholders, and the general public in their review of the Project, in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements.

The visual impact assessment included evaluation of existing landscape character, identification of sensitive visual resources, and preparation of highly accurate photo simulations. The analysis took into consideration aspects unique to off-shore assessment including the screening effect of earth curvature, meteorological visibility and distant visibility of aviation obstruction lighting.

Project Highlights:

  • Detailed Visual Resource Assessment to identify potential impacts of a large off-shore wind energy generating facility on the sensitive coastal viewshed of martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket islands
  • Considered effects of earth curvature, marine weather condition, and facility lighting
  • Created day and night photo simulations to visualize factors associated with open water views and visibility

Vineyard Wind


Visual Impact Assessment