Schuylerville, NY

Sword Surrender Site Cultural Landscape Treatment Plan

The Sword Surrender Site place is where British General John Burgoyne ceremoniously tendered his sword to American General Horatio Gates, conceding defeat at the Battles of Saratoga in October 1777. Remarkably, this place of international importance had been in private hands since the Revolution. Fortunately, the land was purchased in 2006 by Open Space Institute, Inc. with funds appropriated by the NYS Assembly to preserve it as a historical site.

The focus of the Cultural Landscape Treatment Plan was to design a site memorial to celebrate the history of this event, to establish interpretive elements and to provide universal accessibility. 

The design process built upon several key studies previously prepared for the site. These reports provided significant cultural investigation necessary to prepare a compelling physical design and theme.

The project culminated in design development drawings to gain funding and implement the proposed recommendations. The new park site will feature a sweeping granite wall engraved with first-person quotes to convey the events, period cannons, a tensile structure and framed views of the Hudson River from this prominent hillside location.

National Heritage Trust


Landscape Architectural Design
Site Planning
Visualization and Illustration