Bronx, NY

Mosholu Parkway Comprehensive Landscape Restoration plan

Mosholu Parkway is a Robert Moses-era landscaped parkway and grade-level roadway connecting Bronx Park to Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx.

As part of a larger roadway realignment project, Saratoga Associates was commissioned by the NYC Department of Design and Construction to plan and implement an environmental preservation and restoration plan for the 1.2 mile long segment of the Mosholu Parkway from Gunhill Road to Botanical Square.

The plan of action included different environmental techniques to preserve and restore the site. Highlights include the use of regional native plantings in the urban forest canopy to improve biodiversity, and the use of pervious pavements, recycled materials, absorbent landscapes, vegetated filters, and bioswales to provide sustainable solutions to site stormwater. Additionally, improvements will be made throughout the parkway to improve pedestrian access, bicycle safety, and way finding. This includes new bike lanes on Sedgwick Avenue, combined pedestrian and bicycle paths on portions of the parkway, signage and pavement markings, and connections to local and regional trails.



Landscape Architectural Design
Site Planning